Hi my name is John Dela Cruz and I created the documentary film “CRUZ”. In high school, I was always interested in social justice and speaking out for people who might not have a voice. I chose to go into the film industry so that I could speak out on the struggles I’ve experienced in life and discuss certain topics like, racism I’ve experienced as a person of colour as well as homophobia as a Queer man. I believe that it’s important to have a voice and speak out on these topics because it might help someone who might not have voice.
Hi! I’m Nino Lovell! I joined BFTV thinking I wanted to go into editing, but being in this program opened up so many doors for me. I have so many passions that I didn’t even know I had. So far, I don’t have a concrete plan, but I 100% want to be in the creative industry one way or another. I always want to be exploring new things
Hi! my name is Alex I am one of the assistant editors on the film “CRUZ” . I’m super. excited for people to see the film. As someone who didn’t know a lot about the LGBTQ+ community, it was eye opening. to hear what the experience is like for the POC’s. John is such a creative person with such a big heart. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to be a part of his journey making this film.